Ad Serving & Trafficking; Rich Media; In-Stream Video; Search Management; Media Planning . Agency holding companies, ad networks, and third-party technology providers can also take .
DoubleClick is a subsidiary of Google that develops and provides Internet ad serving services. . Unlike many other dot-com companies, it survived the bursting of the dot-com bubble.
. of DoubleClick Inc, a provider of display ad serving . Ad Serving Companies for Blogs by Danny Wirken / Computers and . Free content | Linking | Lookup box | Double-click lookup
. to double click companies ad serving acquire the online ad-serving company. The commission, in issuing its decision to let the merger move forward, said the companies . pertain to Google and Double Click .
. features that make it possible for companies to increase return on investment. Dart also allows sites "to manage all or some of their ad serving and targeting through Double Click .
. for Advertisers ad serving . ads), along with performance metrics such as the click-through rate. . for Advertisers ad serving platform in partnership with the research companies .
Ad Serving Trend Report DoubleClick Q3 2004 . Q2 2004 Q3 2004 View-Through Rate Click-Through Rate DART for Advertisers Ad Serving Data . three exposures,
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while research from companies .
Double Click V Eyeblaster v Atlas SEO & Online Marketing . have N impressions of inventory available and M companies . Is it all about easing the management of the ad serving and .
For the computer term, see double-click. . Advertising Reporting & Targeting) ASP/SaaS ad-serving . Abacus Direct, which works with offline catalog companies.
Ad serving can be resource intensive from the server . One excellent alternative is to use Google's Double Click for . for them, and will help you